Built to Bring Relief
Cannabis consumers have largely relied on a frustrating and expensive trial-by-error process to find the most effective products for their goals, especially due to the lack of comprehensive research on the federal level.
Tetragram was built to bridge this gap.

Meet the Team
Tetragram is the only minority-owned cannabis technology company in the United States

Otha Smith, III
In 2006, Otha was involved in a tragic car accident that nearly took his life, resulting in a 6 inch scar on the top of his head (30+ staples!). As a result of the car accident, he suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Like many, the hospital prescribed opioids to address his pain. After two short years he quickly grew dependent upon opioids. That’s when he knew opioids weren’t the answer and started focusing exclusively on cannabis to manage his pain.
Having used cannabis recreationally throughout high school and college, once Otha received his medical cannabis card in Maryland, he thought he knew everything there was to know about cannabis. But after visiting a dispensary for the first time, he quickly realized he had a lot to learn.
It was this overwhelming experience at the dispensary counter and his journey finding real relief with cannabis that motivated Otha to build Tetragram—a platform that not only empowers people to find the right products, but connect with others so that everyone can realize the many medicinal benefits of cannabis.
In recognition of his contributions to the cannabis industry, Otha was named one of the Top 40 Under 40 Rising Stars in Cannabis for 2021 by Marijuana Venture Magazine. The Cannigma recognized Tetragram as the Best Cannabis Journaling App.
Otha’s business acumen and commitment to innovation have also led him to sit on the boards of several companies and non-profit organizations. His impressive entrepreneurial journey and passion for creating conscious solutions have made him a respected figure in the cannabis world.

Julius Moore
Chronic illness and degenerative disorders have been a staple in Julius' life since he was born. Eventually, he realized that the benefits of cannabis mirrored a lot of the benefits of pharmaceuticals, but without the downsides. Julius began to recommend medical cannabis to his family members and close friends, but with hundreds of products to choose from, quickly found out that it was hard to keep track of what products were appropriate for each person's unique situation. Since cannabis affects everyone differently, they were stuck with the costly process of trial-and-error in hopes of finding the right products to address their needs. With Tetragram, he hopes to empower his family and friends with the knowledge of how cannabis helps them and others who suffer like them.
Julius attained a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. From a young age, he had a passion for computers and programming in particular. His career started after college with a seven-year stint at a company working with the Department of Defense focusing on command and control systems.
In pursuit of his entrepreneurial spirit, he took a six-month break and co-founded a company building a new social networking system that won a place in a Washington D.C. based Incubator. After moving on from the Department of Defense and social networking, he joined a company focusing on educational technology. Within two years, he rose to become the Director of Technology and helped build the company from a few people to nearly 20 people. Now he is working hard to bring Tetragram to the nation so that family, friends, neighbors and everyone else can have a beneficial, potentially life-changing, journey with cannabis.
Partner with Us
Are you trying to help your cannabis consumers find what helps with their unique needs? Help us build a consumer-centric platform to explore the true benefits of cannabis for everyone.
Get in touch with us to ask how we can work together.